2024 CATALOGUE & SHOW ROOM WHOLESALE seal oil omega 3, raw dog food, natural chews, dog toys, java wood, slow feeder, bully stick, green lipped mussels, bones
SEAL OIL -250ml 21.99$ - 500ml 39.99$ - 1 L 69.99$ includes pumps
We follow the allowences of the AAFCO and NRC recommendations. The maintenance dose is 50-75 mg/kg body weight combination of EPA + DHA. We recommend a progressive introduction with any new product. Keep refrigerated and discard 120 days after opening. Shake well if a fat deposit sits at the bottom of bottle.
We know pets! Animal welfare is our speciality.
Advantages of seal oil
- 100% Natural and pure
- Less oxidation and optimized storage time
When the seal oil is stored according to our recommendations, it is very stable and will therefor keep its properties and is safer for a longer time than other oils on the market.
- Very mild odor and taste
- The only oil that offers a third omega DPA with researched benefits
- Produced, refined, and bottled in a Canadian facility. Distributed by a 100% Quebec company.
- Better absorption rate and superior assimilation because of the mammal molecular composition
- Secure choice for animals presenting intolerances, allergies and digestion sensitivities to other foods and oils.
- Human grade quality: our oil meets the Health Canada requirements and passes through the same process and analyses requirements than the oil consumed by us humans with laboratory analyses.
- Third party analyses certificate and quality testing: Each batch is tested and analysed by an external laboratory to meet Health Canada and OMS (world health organization) requirements. Here are some of the tests; heavy metals, environmental toxins, chemical contaminants (PCB), oxidative stability, omega 3-6 ratio, disintegration and dissolution test and more.
- Seal oil is approved by Health Canada; http://webprod.hc-sc.gc.ca/nhpid-bdipsn/atReq.do?atid=seal.oil&lang=eng
- Produced in a Canadian facility recognized and certified by the CFIA (Canadian food inspection agency) and follows the GMP (good manufacturing practice) to ensure that product meet the quality standards appropriate to their intended use before they are sold. To ensure compliance with GMP regulations, Health Canada inspects establishments that fabricate, package or label, distribute, import or wholesale to ensure they are properly controlled; https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-health-products/natural-non-prescription/legislation-guidelines/guidance-documents/good-manufacturing-practices.html
- Refining process: refined in Canada. The oil has been purified to meet highest standards while keeping its properties. Our oil is not from concentrate and is free from hormones, pesticides and has no artificial flavors.
- Bottles: our bottles are dark to bloc ultraviolet rays and keep the oil from deterioration. To ensure the product is fresh and safe, we have added a sealant, pumps and bottled in three sizes for convenience.
- Origins, culture and renewable source: The population of seals are thriving and are a renewable source and are part of the native culture. The seal activities are legal and are under the Fisheries and Oceans of Canada (DFO) regulations.
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